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How do solar panels work?

Solar panels harness sunlight and transform it into electricity through photovoltaic effect, where photons from the sun’s ray create an electric current within the semiconductor material of the solar cells. This current, commonly referred to as Direct-Current (DC), is generated. To make this electricity usable for your home, an inverter will be installed to convert the DC to Alternative Current (AC). By doing so, you can readily enjoy the electricity generated from solar panels.

Are there any government schemes for installing solar panels in Malaysia?

Yes. The Malaysian government has introduced Net Energy Metering (NEM) scheme, aimed at incentivizing solar installation for residential properties.

What is the Net Energy Metering (NEM) scheme?

NEM scheme allows homeowners to utilize the solar energy generated on their premises for personal use, and any surplus solar energy can be exported back to the utility grid (TNB) at one-to-one offset rate. The contract period between homeowner and TNB under this scheme is 10 years.

What options are available for my solar system after the end of the contract period?

At the end of the contract period, the terms and conditions of the NEM scheme may vary. Some options homeowners may have included: –

  1. Contract Renewal: In some cases, participants have the option to renew the NEM contract for another term, extending their ability to export excess solar energy.
  2. Self-Consumption (SELCO): If the NEM contract is not renewed, the solar system owner can continue to use the solar energy generated on their premises for self-consumption but may not be eligible for exporting surplus energy to the grid. Owners can consider investing battery at their premises to store the excess solar energy. 

***Currently, investing in a battery is not recommended due to its high cost.

How can I determine the size of the solar photovoltaic (PV) system required for my house?

There are three (3) key factors for sizing a solar PV system: –

  1. Monthly electricity consumption (electricity bill)
  2. Type of TNB Meter (Single-phase or 3-phase)
  3. Available roof size of your house

Contact us now, our experienced team can perform a site assessment at your house and analyze your electricity consumption to determine the appropriate system size.

What are the capacity limitations set by TNB for single-phase and three-phase TNB meters?

TNB Meter

Inverter Capacity (kW)





What is the price range of a solar PV system?

The overall system price ranges between RM18,000 to RM53,000 inclusive of all the necessary components and applications required to the end of solar system installation.


Table: System Price and Estimated Monthly Savings: –

System Capacity (kWp)

System Price (RM)

Est. Monthly Saving (RM)


RM 18,000






RM 53,000


*** Please note that the price does not include the installation of additional steel structures required to accommodate extra solar panels 


How long does it take to recoup the investment in solar panels?

The payback period depends on the system cost and electricity consumption. On average, it can be around 3 to 7 years.

Do solar panels require maintenance?

Solar panels are generally low maintenance, requiring occasional cleaning and inspections every 3-4 years to ensure optimal performance

What is the lifespan of solar panels last and their warranty coverage?

Solar panels typically have a lifespan of 30 years or more, and their performance gradually degrades over time. They come with a performance warranty coverage of 25 years.

Can I use solar power during a blackout?

In grid-tied systems without energy storage, solar panels are automatically shut down during a blackout for safety reasons. However, systems with battery storage can provide backup power.

How are your payment options?

You have two options: either pay by cash term or use a credit card installment plan for up to 60 months, depending on the bank associated with your credit card.

What is the estimated duration of the entire solar installation process?

The entire process, including the NEM application, installation works (1-2 days) and final energization of the solar power system, typically takes around 1.5 – 2 months.

Milieu SolarBiz

How do solar panels work?

Solar panels harness sunlight and transform it into electricity through photovoltaic effect, where photons from the sun’s ray create an electric current within the semiconductor material of the solar cells. This current, commonly referred to as Direct-Current (DC), is generated. To make this electricity usable for your premises, an inverter will be installed to convert the DC to Alternative Current (AC). By doing so, you can readily enjoy the electricity generated from solar panels


What types of buildings does the term “Commercial and Industrial Solar System” typically refer to?

The term “Commercial and Industrial Solar System” typically refers to solar panel installations designed for use in commercial buildings, such as office complexes, shop lots, shopping malls, hotels and retail stores. Whereas industrial facilities including factories, warehouses, and manufacturing plants

Are there any government schemes for installing solar panels in Malaysia?

Yes. The Malaysian government has introduced Net Energy Metering (NEM) scheme, aimed at incentivizing solar installation for commercial and industrial properties.

What is the Net Energy Metering (NEM) scheme for commercial and industrial?

NEM scheme allows business owners to utilize the solar energy generated on their premises for their commercial building or industries facilities. Any surplus solar energy can be exported back to the utility grid (TNB) and credited at the prevailing system marginal price. The contract period between the business owner and TNB under this scheme is 10 years.

What options are available for my solar system after the end of the contract period?

At the end of the contract period, the terms and conditions of the NEM scheme may vary. Some options homeowners may have included: –


  1. Contract Renewal: In some cases, participants have the option to renew the NEM contract for another term, extending their ability to export excess solar energy.
  2. Self-Consumption (SELCO): If the NEM contract is not renewed, the solar system owner can continue to use the solar energy generated on their premises for self-consumption but may not be eligible for exporting surplus energy to the grid. Owners can consider investing battery at their premises to store the excess solar energy. 

***Currently, investing in a battery is not recommended due to its high cost.

What are the benefits of installing solar panels for commercial and industrial purposes?

Installing solar panels can help businesses save on electricity costs and operating costs, reduce carbon footprint, enhance corporate Environment, Social, and Governance (ESG) profile and enjoy double tax incentives up to 48%.

What factors should businesses consider before installing solar panels?

Businesses should evaluate their energy consumption, available rooftop or ground space, budget, potential savings and regulatory incentives before proceeding with a solar project.

How can businesses estimate the size of the solar system needed for their operations?

There are three (3) key factors for sizing a solar PV system: –

  1. Monthly electricity consumption (electricity bill)
  2. Low Voltage/ Medium & High Voltage Business (Tariff B-E2)
  3. Available roof size of your business premises


Contact us now, our experienced team can conduct a thorough site assessment and energy analysis to determine the optimal system size for a business.

What are the capacity limitations for Low Voltage (Tariff B & D) and Medium & High Voltage (Tariff C & E) installations?

Tariff Category

Maximum Capacity Guidelines

B & D

60% of Fuse Rating (for direct meter)

or 60% of Current Transformer (CT) Rating

C & E

85% of Maximum Demand (MD) of consumer’s current installation

How long does it take to recoup the investment in commercial and industrial solar installations?

The payback period depends on various factors such as system size, electricity consumption, available incentives, and financing options. Generally, it ranges from 3 to 6 years.


What is the financing model available for commercial and industrial solar installations?

There are two types of financing model for commercial and industrial solar installations: 

  1. Outright Purchase/ Capital Expenditure (CAPEX)

In this model, the business or industrial facility pays the full upfront cost of the solar PV system. They own the system outright and are entitled to all the financial benefits, including electricity savings and potential incentives (double tax incentives). This approach provides the highest return on investment (ROI) over the system’s lifetime. 


  1. Solar Leasing/ Power Purchase Agreement (PPA)/ Zero CAPEX

In this model, a third-party solar provider pays the full upfront cost of the solar PV system. The owner provides the business’s property or roof spacing to install the solar system and they pay for the actual energy produced by the solar system at a predetermined rate per kilowatt-hour (kWh).  Though the business does not own the system, it benefits from reduced electricity bills without the burden of maintenance costs.

What is the maintenance required for commercial and industrial solar systems and how much is the cost of maintenance?

Commercial and industrial solar systems generally require minimal maintenance, including cleaning and occasional inspections. Milieu Solar will provide complementary operation & maintenance (O&M) for the first 3 years for our customers. For the subsequent years, the owner can subscribe to our O&M package at the rate of RM50/kWp

What is the lifespan of solar panels last and their warranty coverage?

Solar panels typically have a lifespan of 30 years or more, and their performance gradually degrades over time. They come with a performance warranty coverage of 25 years.

Can my business unit still utilize solar power during a blackout?

In grid-tied systems without energy storage, solar panels are automatically shut down during a blackout for safety reasons. However, systems with battery storage can provide backup power

What payment options are available for outright purchase/ capital expenditure (CAPEX)?

We offer two payment options: you can either make a cash payment or opt for a credit card installment plan for up to 60 months, based on the bank associated with your credit card. Additionally, you also have the option to choose a financial institution for a loan.

What is the estimated duration of the entire solar installation process?

For capacity <72kWac, it takes about 3 months from licensing application till project completion. However, for capacity >72kWac, the duration extends to approximately 7 months due to the additional time required for ST application, which can take up to 3-4 months.